Wednesday, November 24, 2004

begin again


back from study land and after about a week's break am determined to try and write something at least every couple of days.

i've set this blog up so i can do some personal writing on the way i view the world, what i think about the shit i see in the mainstream media, and just general rambling.

i would in no way class myself a writer, although since i've been at uni, i'm finding that i can write a decent essay, and i'm not to bad at writing scientific reports either. i'm currently in the middle of a bachelor of science degree in environmental management, and am doing quite well, owing to the fact that i am extremely interested in the stuff i'm learning, which is completely different from when i first went to uni straight after high school (business - yuuccchh). i think there's a good argument for getting out and getting some life experience before settling into the hard core, self discipline that is required of tertiary education, and i certainly won't be pushing my kids to go straight from high school to uni if they don't want to. you have enough pressure on you during your final year of high school, without trying to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. as my partner and i have both discovered, it takes time before you know what you truly want to do, and how you feel you can best contribute to the community - from a local to a global scale.

anyway, i've chosen to set up this blog so i can write more and develop this skill. although not developing it in a way that any lecturer would give great marks, but just trying to expand. i guess when you live with a writer, it's gonna rub off in some way.

so, i look forward to ranting here and getting some shit off my chest, throwing a bit of education in to the mix - and having a little fun along the way.